Our Office

We are located in east end of the Taan Building in Skidegate B.C, Unit 6-848 Highway 16. Office hours vary, so the most reliable way to contact us is via email: laskeek@laskeekby.org. We have our latest books and t-shirts for sale in the office so please email if you would like to stop in!

Our Staff

Judy at Tarundl-1.png

Judy Hilgemann. Executive Director

Judy has lived on Haida Gwaii since 1997. She brings a background in education and fine art to the Laskeek Team. Her love for wildlife and wilderness goes back to a childhood spent on remote northern Vancouver Island. When she is not running the Laskeek office, Judy can be found in her studio overlooking the sea.

Our Board of Directors

Michael K. Moore. Forestry Consultant

Keith Moore: Current LBCS Director. Keith has been a resident of Haida Gwaii for more than 30 years. He is a Registered Professional Forester and has an MA in Geography. Since 2000, Keith has run a consulting business based in Daajing Giids that takes him across Canada and the world to work on forest certification with the Forest Stewardship Council. To date, Keith has been involved in over 50 certification projects in five Canadian provinces and several other countries. Keith is also involved in forestry and environmental issues in BC. On Haida Gwaii, these include the campaign to protect the southern part of the islands, the Fish Forestry Interaction Program and the Strategic Land Use Plan. Keith lives with his wife, Helen, and sons Peter and Alan in Daajing Giids.

Dr. Antony Gaston: Current LBCS Director, current LBCS Science Advisor, retired Research Scientist, Ornithologist, author.

Ainsley Brown: Current LBCS Director, Biologist, Teacher, former Executive Director LBCS,  researcher.

Jacques Morin: Current LBCS Director, Wildlife Biologist.

Margaret Stronge: Current LBCS Director, retired Heritage Presentation Specialist, Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve & Haida Heritage Site.

Carolyn Gibson: Current LBCS Director, Director of Cumulative Effects - Government of BC

Mary Morris: Current LBCS Director, naturalist.

Jesse Beaubier-Brulotte: Current LBCS Director, former LBCS Research Assistant, current DFO Biologist.

Scientific Advisory Committee

  • Dr. Antony Gaston (Chair). Canadian Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Research Center

  • Jean-Louis Martin. Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CEFE-CNRS)

  • Kathy Heise. University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology

  • Dr. Joanna L. Smith. TNC Canada, Global Oceans Program and Simon Fraser University, Adjunct Professor

  • Dr. Mark Hipfner. Wildlife Research Division, Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada

Supporting research and conservation as well as promoting learning and knowledge sharing is very rewarding. Our directors are passionate about the marine and terrestrial ecosystems of Haida Gwaii!

As a director with LBCS there is a great opportunity to reach out and connect with other people, in schools teaching children about the complex ecosystems of Laskeek Bay, in conversations at merchandise booths at on island events, or in presentations at international seabird conferences. Many of our directors connect with volunteers, interns and research staff while visiting East Limestone Island (ELI) or while helping out with logistics back in Daajing Giids.

There is a great spirit of cooperation and everyone pitches in to help out where and when they are able. Every Director’s skills are varied and valuable. A director may volunteer by: helping with yearly maintenance to trails and field camp on ELI, hiring staff, loading the transport boat at the dock, billeting interns, donating goods for sale, participating with field research…the options are plentiful!
— Erin Harris