Citizen Science
Our Volunteers: The Citizen Scientists
LBCS began in 1990 with a mission to actively involve local residents, youth from local schools and non-scientists in the work to learn more about the Ancient Murrelet and other seabird species that are features of our island environment. We believe the LBCS approach of directly involving students, volunteers and visitors in long term research and monitoring programs creates a greater appreciation of the environment in Haida Gwaii and strengthens the resolve of all of to protect it for future generations. Without this extensive volunteer involvement, this monitoring and research on Haida Gwaii would not have continued. Since 1990, over 600 volunteers have participated – approximately half from our local communities.
Project Limestone: School Groups
Each May and June school groups come to East Limestone Island for a day visit. Our program has provided opportunities for hundreds of local youth to experience the natural environment in a pristine and ecologically rich area that they would otherwise not have access to. It gives them a chance to participate in a real scientific research project and learn about the scientific method in a hands-on way and it educates them on the importance of conservation.