Murrelet monitoring comes to a close with start of the first Oystercatcher Survey
The crew departed Limestone Island on June 2nd to complete the first of two Black Oystercatcher surveys in Gwaii Haanas. This five day survey (on contract with Gwaii Haanas) is completed twice during the season and takes us down the eastern side of Lyell Island, past Hotsprings Island and as far as Alder Island to the south of Juan Perez Sound. We thoroughly scan the shorelines of many islands, islets and rocks for oystercatcher breeding territories, and closely examine both new and old territories looking for eggs and chicks. Of approximately 100 territories that we visited in Gwaii Haanas, many of the birds had eggs but only one newly hatched chick was found. We had very favourable weather during this survey until on the last day, when a southeasterly wind picked up and prevented us from visiting the last three territories on the survey route. Unable to make it back across Laskeek Bay we were fortunately able to take refuge at the Moresby Explorers float camp where we waited out the weather and then returned to Limestone Island the following day.