Our Afterschool Bird Club
This past fall, Laskeek Bay and the Haida Gwaii Recreation Commission piloted a new partnership that allowed us to offer an after school "Hike, Build & Bird" club for students in Grades 3/4, and 5/6/7. Lindsay and Viv met the older group on Thursdays, while Colleen and Midori took the younger group on Thursdays. Together, we improved our bird identification skills through hikes, crafts, surveys, games and discussions.
At our final club meeting, Carey helped us use the eBird app to track our sightings as we walked around the Haida Heritage Centre. It's online for those interested in seeing exactly what we saw!
Thank you so much to everyone who helped us bring this club together: Colleen Fuhrman, Midori Campos, Karen Devitt from Bird Studies Canada, Carey Bergman from Gwaii Haanas, the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program, and Laura Bishop from Haida Gwaii Recreation Commission. We look forward to bringing this club back next year - and we hope to see some of our birders on East Limestone Island this coming summer!