Volunteer Reflections: Ava
Maybe there are more places in the world than I imagine in which dense forest intimately meets the ocean's edge, but I cannot imagine one that matches the spirituality or diversity of this place. I had been forewarned of the captivating magic inherent to Haida Gwaii, yet I could never have predicted this. The two weeks I have spent with the Laskeek Bay Conservation Society has given me the opportunity to learn cultural and ecological histories, and engage in meaningful practices for a better, more harmonized future. In being so removed from the interruptions of civilization, the interconnected nature of the planet becomes so obvious.
It is a glorious privilege to spend time on East Limestone Island and learn from passionate individuals. Viv Pattison is a near-pocket-sized coastal angel, who seemingly has an endless wealth of knowledge and patience. Her respect for volunteers is apparent in the great deal of trust she places in them - no comment, question, or concern goes unacknowledged. James Mackinnon, as Andrea put it, is "the most sincere goofball" and an absolute pleasure to work alongside.
From excursions to Reef Island, to a day off on the skiff, to countless laughs and games of cribbage, my time here has been a blissful blessing. Who knew a girl could fall so madly in love with the mosses?! Thank you to all the wonderful people who helped turn a dream into reality. I hope to return next year (for the oyster catchers!)
Ava :)