Join us for Science Literacy Week!

This September, we're excited to be taking part in Science Literacy week - a cross-country celebration of science in Canada! After a fantastic 28th field season on East Limestone Island, we're using this week as an opportunity to share our love for seabirds with youth, and to promote some of the incredible research, led by researchers and citizen scientists, happening on Haida Gwaii. There will be activities for all beginning on September 17th, and wrapping up on the 24th.

Exploring the Life of a Bird. Sunday September 17th (Old Massett Youth Centre) and Sunday September 24th (Skidegate Youth Centre) from 9am - 3pm, with lunch provided.

This full day is designed to engage youth (grades 5 - 8) in the life of a bird. Join us for the day to explore the journey of a bird from egg to adulthood, exploring diversity and environmental issues along the way. Please e-mail to register, as spaces are limited.

Celebrating Science on Haida Gwaii. Tuesday September 19th (Performing House, Haida Heritage Centre) from 7pm - 8:30pm. Refreshments provided.

This evening will celebrate scientific research happening on Haida Gwaii through a series of short presentations. Local researchers and citizen scientists will talk about their research, their findings, and what the process has meant to them along the way.

We are extremely grateful to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for their support.


Biosecurity on Haida Gwaii? Come learn more!


Arthropod Appreciation: A report from Kalene, Limestone Island Student Intern May 2017